By Beebee: As you can see that we have an obvious homosexual adult male riding a bike with children's cartoon characters that I assume he believes have gay characteristics to celebrate his sickness. Now, when the media allows gay right advocates to tell us that gay couples make good foster parents, are you stupid enough to buy into that.? Would you want this Mr. Fruit Loops that is riding this bike to watch your child? Then we have a photo of males that are gay, and disgustingly showing just how lewd they are willing to act in society. But what is so bad about this photo of the gay sailors' depiction is that it is a slap in the faces of the millions of men that are serving in the Navy and have served in the Navy that live decent and moral lives. For those of you that do not know the big A that is shown in a pattern of designs is the symbol of the American Aetheist Society, and then we have the brave lesbian proud to walk holding a sign that displays the ACLU (Anti-Christian Liberties Union), and she is telling people like me that her rights trump our rights and we better not &@@! with her. You see the ACLU will protect her rights, and they do it by extorting money out of our pockets! Wake up moral Americans because these perfect examples of a communist agenda are out to destroy our culture. If we sit back and think that God will take care of it, that is foolish because that is what God gave us brains for. We are the ones with the God instilled values to fight these denziens of soicety, and if we remain silent we will go the way of Amsterdam. These minorities are organized and vocal, and they holler fowl when we criticize because those of us that speak out are way out numbered on blogs and we are under represented on television. We have Ellen with her lesbian show, we have Oprah parading gays and transvestites on her program (even ones that have had sex changes), we have all of the media that promoted the gay cowboy movie and we have those that say gays should be allowed to marry and adopt children. It makes me angry that seemingly straight people say they see nothing wrong with homosexuals being in the foster care program and adopting children, and I truly think that people that think like that are living in a make believe world. In my opinion, children would be better off raising themselves, than being psychologically damaged by living in a home with gays. Wake up and be vocal about the direction our Country is headed or our future generations will be overwhelmed by the morally bankrupt members of our society. Unfortunately, the odds are against us because these pictures are the evidence that we have fallen in our responsiblity to defend our rights. I say that we push our representatives to vote for a ban against the ACLU being able to use tax dollars to fight against our values in the United States. The ACLU, the ADL and Now are all communist groups that are not pro-American at all! And these are not the only groups that we are fighting by no means.
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