6th August 2006News article filed by BNP news team
Not a street scene from Calcutta or Kabul - but Whitechapel East London
The latest figures from the Office of National Statistics show that London now plays home to more than 2.5 million from ethnic minorities.The results of the Annual Population Survey, which is based on returns from 65,000 homes is seen as more reliable than the national census conducted every ten years. The ONS survey says non-whites made up 33.5 per cent of the population of London last year, compared with just under 29 per cent four years earlier. In inner London, the proportion rises to 39.4 per cent, almost four in ten. Those counted as non-white include black Caribbeans and Africans, Asians, Chinese, and a series of categories ranked by statisticians as 'black other'. Unfortunately the figures are misleading because ethnic minorities of white European origin are classed as “white” and possibly hundreds of thousands of migrant workers or asylum seekers from Cyprus, the former Yugoslavia, Turkey, Albania, and Eastern Europe are not included in the immigrant figures.Incorrect measureThis is a dangerous classification as it gives an incorrect measure of the real number of immigrants living in the country. A high proportion of the 600,000 Eastern Europeans thought to have come to Britain since their countries joined the European Union in 2004 are thought to have headed for London. The ONS count said that five London boroughs -Newham, Tower Hamlets, Brent, Harrow and Hackney - now have a non-white head count higher than the estimated number of whites. The figures are alarming and massage the truth that the indigenous peoples of these islands are fast becoming an ethnic minority.It is not a case of white and non-white. It is much more than this because the BNP does not want to see our own indigenous ethnic populations; the English, Irish, Manx, Scots, Welsh displaced by any immigrant groups and it is doesn’t matter whether the colonists are brown, black or white, dark haired or blond, English speaking Africans or Slavic speaking Poles and Slovakians. The immigration madness must stop immediately, these islands are the only homelands we – the family of British nations have and we have to defend them against any would be colonists; black, brown or white.
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