David Duke is a man that is not afraid to be a patriot of the United States, and he follows in the footsteps of our forefathers that wrote a Constitution and a Declaration of Independence that gives all the freedom of speech! David Duke is one of the most vilified men in the Country because he dares to speak the truth. We were never a country founded on Judeo-Christianity, and that is pure bunk that is created by the Zionists. I am a born again Christian, and David is a Christian. I am suggesting that readers of this blog purchase this book. You will have to order it directly from Davidduke.com because you will not be able to receive it from Amazon.com. I tried to purchase the book for four months and kept getting messages that it was not in stock, so I ordered it directly from Dr. David Duke and he autographed it for me. David Duke is a fellow Christian, but most Christians follow the lead from the Jewish controlled media and spit on his name and character. As you see, the book cover has he star of David over our United States Flag. Shocking, maybe to some, but sadly this is the state of our Country today. I am not asleep and lulled into a false theology that is dictated by the Jews that have used scare tactics on Christian churches to abandon the teaching of the New Testament. Read the King James Version of the Holy Bible, and a good place to start is in Matthew. Open your eyes to the truth.
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