Friday, September 16, 2005


David Duke, former U.S. Representative of Louisianna, recently received his doctorate in philosophy with history as a major from a large university, MAUV, in the Ukraine. For those that do not keep up with current events, the Ukraine elected a new President last year when a second election was held after this current President Yushencko was nearly poisoned to death. This revolution for democracy was or is entitled the"Orange Revolution." The following is copied from Dr. David Duke's website at David Duke is an intelligent person that writes with many facts, and his right to free speech is constantlly under attack.

Copied and pasted from Dr. Duke's website:
Awarding of PhD in History by the Rector and Council Secretary
The following is hot from the Ukrainian Jewish Blogs–
Latest news **translated by H. Friedman, Kiev**
Jewish leaders in Ukraine are condemning the actions of a major university in Ukraine (MAUP) for awarding a full doctorate to the notorious American anti-Semite David Duke.
MAUP, an acronym for the largest university system in Ukraine, awarded the controversial former KKK leader and American politician, David Duke, a PhD in History after a successful completion of exams and all doctoral academic requirements, and a spirited Doctoral Defense in an art-adorned academic conference hall adjacent to the office of the MAUP President Prof. Georgy Tchokin.
MAUP is one of the leading Universities in Ukraine as well as Eastern Europe. Formerly a national university system run by the Ukrainian government, it was privatized after the fall of communism. It has grown to over 51,000 students with branches throughout Ukraine. Cooperative arrangements exist with other universities in a number of other nations and it has the highest academic accreditation possible both in Ukraine (4) and on the international level. UNESCO recognizes the MAUP university system as one the world’s high-level educational institutions. MAUP is the source of most of the bachelor and post-graduate degrees of the Ukranian Government officials and administrators. Such influence over governmental employees disturbs many Jews in the Ukraine who are concerned about lingering anti-Semitism.
Jewish spokesmen decried Duke’s earlier Honorary Doctorate awarded him by the University and his subsequent, quiet participation in MAUP’s Post Graduate Degree Program and his recent achieving of a full doctorate. They say it is proof of the anti-Semitic stance of the university and its staff. Duke’s dissertation subject was entitled, “Zionism as a Form of Ethnic Supremacism.”
Abraham Ribacoff, who read Duke’s dissertation, which was similar to his book, Jewish Supremacism, commented, “No matter how many examinations David Duke has passed, the volume of his research, number of academic citations of his dissertation, or the cleverness of his literary style, his work libels the Jewish people. It concludes that Zionism is an ideology of ethnic supremacy and that Israel is a Jewish-supremacist state. It’s all a lie. In truth, Israel is the only true democracy in the Mideast.”
Markus Gollman of Kiev said, “No matter how camouflaged in pseudo-intellectualism his historical and scientific inquiry, for such anti-Semitic writings, he should be stripped of his Doctor’s robes and given a prison uniform. We will not rest until Duke and the fascist President of the university, Gergiev Tchokin, rot in jail.”
The ceremonies awarding David Duke a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in the field of history came just one day after Israel’s Ha’aretz newspaper reported that Israel formally demanded that Ukraine’s president Victor Yuschenko forbid MAUP President, Dr. Gergiev Tchokin, from being a candidate in the upcoming elections for the Ukranian Parliament.
Some members of the Jewish community though are afraid that such demands from Israel will be viewed as Israeli interference in the internal policies of Ukraine and will be seen as an attempt to stifle freedom of speech and political expression. They fear that such moves will only serve to validate the shrill claims of MAUP President Georgy Tchokin and David Duke that Israel wants to control all nations and seeks to stifle political freedom.
Duke, was a former member of the House of Representatives in Louisiana and Republican Party Chairman in Lousiana, but he is more well known for his former KKK activity. He has lectured frequently in the MAUP system since 2002 while he quietly fulfilled his Doctoral requirements.
On Friday, September 9, a senior academic council of twelve MAUP professors sat in judgment of his doctoral defense. The academics included some former high officials of the Ukrainian government. The council was headed by University Rector, Prof. Mykola Golavatiy, the former Minister for Ukrainian Youth Affairs. He is the MAUP First Vice-President of socio-scientific work. The rest of the academic council included the following members
Prof. Olga Babkina, head of MAUP’s Presidential University. She is famous as the first Doctor of Political Sciences awarded in Ukraine from the State University. (The discipline came into existence only after the fall of Soviet Communism.)
Prof. Oksana Rubliuk, Secretary of the Council, PhD of the Social Work and Political Scientist.
Prof. Uriy Surmin, Deputy Director of the Institute of State Management under the President of Ukraine. A Professor in Social Sciences.
Prof. Olexandr Antoniuk, Chief of MAUP Ukranian-Russian Management and Business Institute, Doctor of Political Sciences.
Prof. Volodymyr Sudakov, Director of Sociological Sciences. Doctor from Moscow State University and author of a number of influential books and scientific papers in Ukraine and in other Eastern European nations.
Prof Mylola Tulenkov, Vice-President of the Personnel training institute of State Employment service of the Work and Social Politics of the Ministry of Ukraine.
Prof. Igor Hzhniak, Former government administrator, Doctor of Historical Sciences.
Prof. Svetlana Kayanova, Chief of Ukranian-South African Institute of Political Leadership and Linguistics, philologist.
Prof. Alla Padun, General Director – Executive Secretary of the Scientific Institute of International Education, PhD in Biology.
Prof. Alla Bilous, Chief of Scientific Personnel Department. Head of MAUP Doctoral Program. PhD History.
During his doctoral defense Duke alleged that Jewish supremacism and extremism was growing even more radical. He said that the extremists have so taken over Israel that, “Soon their only choices for a leader will be a mass murderer such as Ariel Sharon of Sabre and Shatila, or a maniac who wants to ethnically cleanse all of Palestine, Benjamin Netanyahu.
All the members of the Academic council agreed on the academic excellence of the dissertation and after his successful defense they unanimously voted to approve it and grant him the Doctor of Philosophy degree.
Abraham Ribacoff said that Jews had to be concerned that in spite of the fact that David Duke fulfilled the technical academic requirements for the Doctorate, awarding such a degree and title was dangerous because a legitimate doctoral degree adds authority to his statements and writings. “The fact that David Duke now has the formal title of Dr. David Duke is maddening,” he said. “It seriously hampers the intellectual struggle against anti-Semitism. Someone has to do something about MAUP, it is a national disgrace for Ukraine.”

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