Thursday, September 08, 2005


Tonight, Chris Matthews interviewed Shirley Franklin, Mayor of Atlanta, on Hardball. When ask if the City would be ready for a natural disaster, Ms. Franklin said that they are and that they have drills and regular communication with FEMA. If anyone believes that as residents of Georgia, then they are dillusional. We are talking about a Mayor that is over a City where we had one of the biggest lapses of security at the Fulton County Court House this year, where police officers could not protect a judge and three other victims when Brian Nichols terrorized Atlanta for two days killing the judge and three other people. Chris Matthews could have nailed her with this, but he never asks the right questions anymore. If anyone resides in the Atlanta metro area, and depends upon those elected to office to provide security to them in a natural disaster, they are fools indeed. But as P.T. Barnum said, "there is a sucker born every minute."

And to be fair and balanced, I saw an interview this evening on an Atlanta news channel where Governor Perdue was ask if Georgia was prepared for a natural disaster. Governor Perdue, too, said that we were prepared. I totally disagree because I have enough common sense to know that my family and I will have to be self-reliant in a natural disaster. It is unwise to expect government to be able to take care of its Citizens. We filled our washer with water and our bathtub with water when the 1994 flood hit Macon, and we were at the mercy of price gouging stores on Hartley Bridge Road that charged outrageous prices for bottled water until we were able to get water from the fire station. The water that we saved back came in handy to use for hand washing, etc... We were without water for way over a week, and we survived.

1 comment:

KAT said...

At least the spammers love you Linda. As for preparedness FEMA doesn't tell you to stock food because their brother runs a grocery store! 3 days to 2 weeks worth of food always does the trick! MRE's off Ebay aren't that tasty but at 60 degrees F they last 8 years (frozen; who knows). Evaluate the risks in your area. Remember; tornado sirens do serve a purpose and that your workplace may or may not have an emergency operations plan. Macon State College didn't know what tornado sirens were hahaha. Maybe that's why I graduated from there and make 11$ per hour.