Thursday, September 01, 2005


It seems strange to me that the Hollywood elite have not stepped forward to host a big fund raiser. President Bush has ask his father and former Clinton to help with fund raising, as I guess the liberals will not contribute, unless Clinton urges them to do so. Now, I am not addressing some very fine Democrats by this post because there are many compassionate Democrats in this country. I am talking about the looney left liberals that could offer more help, but sit back and gloat that this may be their chance to get power back in the United States. It is just plain pathetic and disgusting.

I have to update this post to reflect that NBC cable stations will be sponsoring a concert for Hurricane victims this weekend, and FOX will host one next weekend. BET has pledged $1 million dollars; Celine Dione has pledged $1 million dollars; and there are more donations listed on the Internet. I now stand corrected, and want to say that some stars are coming through with donations.

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