Monday, September 12, 2005


Judge Roberts is alright in my opinion, since he is from my birth state. I, too, grew up with visions of looking at the vast spaces of rolling farm land in wonder of what life could bring about, and the endless possiblities of what one could achieve in life. Indiana is the Hoosier state (who's here), and is named for the Indians that once inhabited the state (land of the Indians).

Once again, we have a battle going on between two contrasting ideologies in the United States. It is wise for our elected officials to remember when questioning Judge Roberts in the confirmation hearing for the Chief Justice position on the U.S. Supreme Court, that a test of a fair judge is will he or she rule on the law and does he or she believe in what our Constitution sets forth. The Constitution dictates that there shall be a separation of powers between the Executive Branch, the Judicial Branch and the Legislative Branch, and this is the foundation of our Republic form of government. Thank the Lord that we have a Republican President and Republican Congress for two very important positions to be filled on the Supreme Court.

Our constitution works. Our great republic is a government of laws, not of men.
Gerald R. Ford, on becoming President, Aug. 9, 1974

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